Tampere Guitar Festival 3.-11.6.2017

In English

 La | Sat 8.6.2024 @ 16:00

Cristina Galietto (ITA) & Filip Mišković (CRO)

Tansman • Bach • Šulek  Castelnuovo-Tedesco  Ukkonen

Genre: Classical

Cristina Galietto and Filip Miskovic

Esiintyjät | Artists

Tampere-talo, Pieni sali
Yliopistonkatu 55, Tampere

Väliaika | Interval • Numeroimattomat paikat | Unnumbered seats 

  • Ennakko | In advance: 24,50 €, opiskelija | student 15 € + tilausmaksut (alk. 1,50 € www.lippu.fi)
  • Ovelta | At the door: 28 € (Pienen salin ovelta, ei Tampere-talon lipputoimistosta)

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Lipunmyynti kohteessa ISA-tunnus

Ohjelma | Program


  • Alexandre Tansman (1897-1986): Cavatina
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Ciaccona from Partita for Violin No. 2, BWV 1004

Väliaika | Interval


  • Stjepan Šulek (1914-1986): The Troubadours Three
    • Melancholy
    • Sonet
    • Festivity
  • Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968): Sonata „Omaggio a Boccherini“, op. 77
    • Allegro con spirito
    • Andantino, quasi canzone
    • Tempo di Minuetto
    • Vivo ed energico


  • Miska Ukkonen: Risk – a Need of the Soul *

* = Kantaesitys | World premiere

Cristina Galietto (ITA)

Cristina Galietto

“Hi, this is Cristina! I am a vivacious guitarist who loves to connect with the audience and make them experience the magic in every musical piece, notes, breaths and rests. People say about me that I'm able to "make the guitar whisper, sing, argue, smile, dance and twirl" and that my playing goes "from a butterfly's touch to a lion's growl".

I have played recitals in Europe and the USA as a soloist, in a chamber ensemble and orchestra. In everything I play, I try to give an elegant and melodic interpretation, taking inspiration from Italian lyricism and drama, the modern psychological perception of music and the harmony of the guitar.”
– Cristina Galietto

Cristina Galietto on italialainen kitaravirtuoosi, joka lumoaa yleisönsä herkkyydellään ja ilmaisuvoimaisella tulkinnallaan. Hän tulkitsee suvereenisti musiikkia eri aikakausilta.

Galietton matka kitaristina alkoi hänen isänsä ohjauksessa, johtaen lukuisiin voittoihin kitarakilpailuissa, kuten Eurostrings-kitarakilpailu vuonna 2021. Hänen vuonna 2020 julkaistu debyyttialbumi "Avant l'Aube" sisältää Joaquin Rodrigon, Domenico Scarlattin ja Alexis Ragon sävellyksiä. Parhaillaan Galietto suorittaa kolmatta maisterintutkintoaan Kunst Universität Grazissa Itävallassa.


Cristina Galietto is an Italian guitar virtuoso who captivates audiences with her enchanting sensitivity, attention to detail, and musical dynamism. Her music showcases a wide tonal and dynamic range, allowing her guitar to resonate with beautiful sound in various musical styles.

Galietto's journey as a guitarist began under her father's guidance, leading her to win numerous guitar competitions, including the Eurostrings Guitar Competition 2021, a pinnacle of her career. Galietto's debut album from 2020, "Avant l'Aube'' featuring compositions by Joaquin Rodrigo, Domenico Scarlatti, and Alexis Rago, exemplifies her delicate and passionate approach to music. Currently pursuing her third master's degree in classical guitar at Kunst Universität Graz, Galietto continues to enchant audiences with her remarkable talent, and her future concerts are eagerly anticipated.

Filip Miscovic

Filip Mišković

"I love to consider music as direct communication between the artist and the audience. My responsibility is to convey a spectrum of emotions and share them with listeners. This is why I take pleasure in curating a meaningful program across various styles and characters.

Beyond daily repertoire practice, I devote much of my free time to immersing myself in music. Influenced by pianists like Ivo Pogorelić, Krystian Zimerman, Evgeny Kissin, Nikolai Lugansky, and others, their impact is immeasurable. Collaborating with fellow musicians significantly enriches my musical journey. Exploring diverse perspectives and insights about music is always a rewarding experience, ensuring that I never find music boring."
– Filip Mišković

Kroatialainen Filip Mišković on tunnustettu klassinen kitaristi yli 40 kitarakilpailun voiton myötä. Hänen saavutuksiinsa kuuluvat muun muassa arvostetut Anna Amalian ja Andres Segovian kilpailut.

Mišković on esiintynyt solistina amerikkalaisen “I Giovani Solisti” -ensemblen ja Kroatian kansallisteatterin orkesterin kanssa. Hän on ollut myös mukana EuroStrings-kitaraverkostossa. Tällä hetkellä Mišković opiskelee viidettä vuotta Zagrebin yliopiston musiikkiakatemiassa Itävallassa professori Darko Petrinjakin ohjauksessa.


Croatian Filip Mišković stands out in the world of classical guitar, having won first place in over 40 major guitar competitions. His achievements include prestigious events such as the Anna Amalia and Andres Segovia competitions.

Mišković has impressed audiences as a soloist with the American group 'I Giovani Solisti' and the Croatian National Theatre Orchestra in Split. He was also a part of the EuroStrings guitar collaboration, showcasing his talent across Europe’s guitar community. Currently, Mišković is furthering his studies in his fifth year at the University of Zagreb's Academy of Music, guided by professor Darko Petrinjak.



Instituto Italiano di Cultura Helsinki


Kaikki konsertit | All concerts

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  • Ennakkomyynti päättyy 2 tuntia ennen konserttia | Available in advance until 2 hours before the concert
  • Lippuja myydään myös ovelta, mikäli konsertti ei ole loppuunmyyty | Tickets are also available at the door, if the concert is not sold out
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